Join US for a GROUP RUN
The Sooke Trail & Road Runners (STARR) are a fun, friendly running group that caters to the non-elite runner who is interested in exercise and camaraderie. We meet twice a week for group runs. Runners of all abilities and speeds are welcome. Routes are usually decided upon at the meeting spot. If runners don't feel they are up to the route of the day, anyone is welcome to adjust it to their comfort level.
We run in nearly all types of weather. STARR members enjoy a variety of routes covering both trails and roads in Sooke. We visit amazing places such as Broom Hill, Sooke Potholes, Whiffin Spit, and the Galloping Goose trail. We hope you can come explore this wonderful area with us.
We always post any new runs or meeting places changes to our Facebook page.
New Runners: Before joining us for the first time, please email us at runwithstarr@gmail.com
STARR appreciates all who have contributed photos, including our members past and present and Joe Crazy Legs.
Thursday @ 6PM Meet at Whiffen Spit car park, last run 27th March, then from 3rd April at Choo Choo let’s Go on Sunriver Road
Saturday @ 9AM Meet at SEAPARC for the run, followed by optional coffee in town thereafter
Located in Sooke, BC, the Sooke Trail and Road Runners (STARR) are a fun and friendly group of runners - we welcome runners of all abilities. Camaraderie is an important aspect of our group. We are encouraging to all runners - no matter what speed or age.
STARR members participate in the Island Race Series and many other running events. We run at whatever speed we are able and willing to go.
Individual members are welcome to host fun runs which may include inviting other clubs to join us. These runs vary in distance and terrain and are usually followed by refreshments at the host’s home or location selected.
Members may participate in as many of the activities as they like! We don’t all run at the same pace, but we all finish at the same place.
Mission Statement: "STARR is a club dedicated to promoting running, fitness and just plain fun. Our members run, hike, walk, and swim --it is about good fun and good people."
New runners are welcome to join us. Come and try us out before deciding if you would like to become a member. Just come to one of the group runs on Thursday and Saturday.
Membership fee is $20 per year, due in January of each year.
Membership benefits include:
Race Registration for the Thetis Lake Relay team event
Option to purchase STARR apparel at club rates
Retail discounts (various Victoria area running stores)
Right to vote in meetings and club elections. Paid members get to vote on anything we vote on.
Inclusion as a STARR member in race reports
STARR social events held throughout the year
All members are also invited to join our Monthly General Meeting. for business and camaraderie. Meetings begin at 7 p.m. Meeting location and dates are emailed to members prior to meeting.
Feel free to email us with any questions: runwithstarr@gmail.com
Upcoming Events
Hi STARRS, we are planning a Sunset Run as an additional club outing; Tuesday March 18, meet at 6:30 at Ludlow Road parking lot on the Galloping Goose
March 29, 2025. Around the Bay Simulation run. Create a team, or be assigned to a team or do it solo. 30km relay-style on galloping goose. You can even do it virtually! Email runwithstarr@gmail.com by March 20th if you want to take part!!
Vince Trahan Award Nomination form: Download now
STARR 10k Training Program (12 Weeks) Download now
Hal Higdon Half Marathon: Novice 1
Hal Higdon Half Marathon: Novice 2
Hal Higdon Half Marathon: Intermediate 1
Hal Higdon Half Marathon: Intermediate 2
Runners World UK Marathon training plan
Valley Harvest Marathon training plan
Club Speed Work Plan
Workout effort:
The “fast” effort should be at your 5k race pace. The “slow” effort should be a jog; i.e. slower than your 10k pace. If you don’t know your 5k or 10k pace run the “fast” effort at a pace where conversation is difficult and your “slow” effort at a pace at which you can easily converse. The workout objective is to keep “fast” and “slow” efforts consistent over multiple repetitions (don’t start too fast). As always use personal judgement and tailor the effort to your individual health and fitness and how you feel. These are just guidelines.
Workout Distance:
5 laps of the loop will be about 3.6k. Plus 1.14k to/from parking lot = 5.88k
10 laps of the loop will be about 7.2k. Plus 1.14k to/from parking lot = 9.48k
Beginner; (new to speed work)
Week 1 30 seconds fast, 2 minutes slow; repeat
Week 2 35 seconds fast, 1 minute 55 slow; repeat
Week 3 40 seconds fast, 1 minute 50 slow; repeat
Week 4 45 seconds fast, 1 minute 45 slow; repeat
Week 5 50 seconds fast, 1 minute 40 slow; repeat
Week 6 55 seconds fast, 1 minute 35 slow; repeat
Week 7 60 seconds fast, 1 minute 30 slow; repeat
Week 8 65 seconds fast, 1minute 25 slow; repeat
Week 1 2x (3 minutes fast; 2 minutes slow/ 2 minutes fast; 2 minutes slow/ 1 minute fast, 2 minutes slow)
Week 2 6x (2 minutes fast; 2 minutes slow)
Week 3 10x (1 minute fast; 2 minutes slow)
Week 4 5x (5 minutes fast; 2 minutes slow)
Week 5 5k fast (7 laps)
Week 6 3x (5 minutes fast; 2 minutes slow/3 minutes fast; 2 minutes slow/1 minute fast; 2 minutes slow)
Week 7 10x (3 minutes fast; 2 minutes slow)
Week 8 10 x (4 minutes fast; 2 minutes slow)
Out-of-Town Race Subsidy Guideline
The purpose of this guideline is to document a STARR practice that was implemented a number of years ago to promote the value of racing out of town, allowing members who completed an out-of-town race to apply for up to $50 subsidy towards the race. The intent of the subsidy was not based on need, but rather based on allowing a runner to do a race requiring an overnight stay. As for all STARR expenses, this would be approved at a STARR meeting. Like all other expenses, the approval promotes transparency for what STARR funds are being spent on.
Once a year, STARR members in good standing can apply for $50 to assist with expenses incurred while traveling to an out-of-town race that involves an overnight stay. Application can only be made once the race has been completed. Application would be sent to the secretary.