The 17th Annual Hatley Castle 8K was held on 18 Feb. under clear, cold…1 deg. and blustery conditions. There were 321 runners ( 2017 369) winding their way through the roads and trails in Hatley Castle Historic Park. The overall winner and his 3rd win of the series was Bastion’s Shelby Drope (30-34) in a time of 27:08.
The OA female winner, also from Nanaimo’s Bastion club, was Melissa Ross. She crossed the line in 31:08 and 16th OA. The Male Master with his 2nd win of the series was Jerry Loeb (40-44) with a time of 29:49 and 9th OA. In a time of 34:53 and 45th OA, the top Female Master was CVRR Carolyn Coffin (40-44). Well done to the winners.
The course record was set by Steve Osaduik in 2006 in a time of 24:52 and top female was Kirsty Smith in 2008 with a time of 28:40.
STARR had six master runners in the field picking up five top ten ribbons in various categories. Leading the field was Jonathan Dvorak (40-44) with a time of 36:53. He finished 6th in a field 12 and was 71st OA. Good job. Next to hit the line was Claude LaForce (55-59) with a time of 38:55. He was 9th in a field 15 and 97th OA. Well done Claude. Stephanie Croft (40-44) was our first woman in. She finished with a 40:43 and was 4th in a field of 17 and 123rd OA.
Next to complete the course was Bruce Hawkes (75-79). Hawkes came in with a 49:46. He was 5th out of a field of 7 and 255th OA. In her first Hatley, Jenny Adams came in with a 52:15. She placed 16th in a field 20 and 273rd OA. Well done Jenny. Closing out our STARR field was Ken Pungente (75-79). He came in with a 54:54 and was 7th in the division and 282nd OA.
All the STARRs did an awesome job on a challenging course and in tough conditions. Congratulations to you all. The next race wil be the Port Alberni Paper Chase 15K on 4 Mar. Thanks to all for flying the STARR flag at Hatley Castle.