Danny’s last step
By Leslie Ann Bent
Andy finished!
What does it take to do 25 miles? Just ask STARR members Andy Smith and Danny Eddy. Yesterday was a new STARR virtual event – the 25-miler (40k). The morning was crisp and a cool zero degrees. Frost was still clinging the grass along the Galloping Goose by the time Danny started out. While many of us were home enjoying our morning coffee or tea, by 7am Danny was at km 44 on the Goose to commence his 40 km trek. The official course started at the Poleyard on Sooke River Road (km 44), headed north to the km 55 post near Leechtown. Then after turning, retraced the course to the Poleyard and continued out to the 35km marker at Roche Cove and back to the 44km marker. The course proved to be a beautiful and quiet route for a Saturday. The sun came out too.
Jackie offered to be the official photographer, sag-wagon and mobile water and refueling station. By 8:45, I joined the support team to tackle the second half of the route to cheer on our participants. An hour later, Andy joined up and started his run towards Leechtown.
With no crowds and no competition breathing down your neck, it can sometimes be a challenge to motivate yourself. Sometimes just knowing there is an event and others out there, can encourage you to tackle something new. I’ve asked Andy and Danny for their thoughts on this event. Both completed the 40km faster than their target goals despite the lack of a formal race.
Andy said his favourite part was the Leechtown area. The route was so quiet and the view of the river stunning. His legs and lungs felt good. It was a challenge since his longest run in a while had been 28km. This route really stretched his distance considerably. It was nice to see Jackie and he benefited from a water stop complements to her. He saw some other STARR members out too – Claude, Mark and Leslie Ann.
Danny said he took it on for the inspiration and challenge. He felt it was an achievable challenge on a route that doesn’t get much better than the Goose with a variety of terrain – Sooke Hills, Sooke Basin, ups and down, open spaces, and forests. He appreciated having water and chocolate along the route complements of Jackie. It was obviously wonderful to hit the 44km marker indicating the end!
I ran into Jonathan doing his own unofficial 25-miler not far past the return from Roche Cove. His route included Quimper! Another group of STARR runners were out – Vanessa, Kari, Megen, and Maggie. A nice day on the Goose for STARR. Danny was in perfect easy stride when I saw him on the second part of the route. Andy was smiling and had a steady rhythm as he passed Jackie and me on part 2.
Official results:
Andy Smith (runner) 3:18:51
Danny Eddy (walker) 7:36
Unofficial route
Jonathan D (43km) 5:12
Congratulations to Danny and Andy for their star performances. You inspire us!