By Leslie Ann Bent
July 23 marked the fourth race in the Vancouver Island Trail Running series. Three STARR runners were there to participate in the course challenge in the 29-degree heat. Port Alberni offers two distances – the Gutbuster 21k long course featuring 500 meters of elevation and the 10k short course. About 200 runners showed up for these events. In addition, there was a kids race. The race was well liked and well organized – one to consider in the future if you’d like to do a trail race.
Marika and Greg provided some colour commentary about the race and their personal stories on the course.
Greg’s comments: “The course was really nice. Fast, a little bit of everything, but not too much hard stuff. That made the run tough but enjoyable. I wish that I had stayed with Pauline for the first 10k. Once again, I went out too fast and suffered for it in the second half. We didn’t know what to expect, since no one had run the course before. Alberni is definitely everyone’s new favorite trail run now.
I ran most of the second half alone, with the exception of a couple of women who jostled for position with me for several kms - some moving ahead and some backing off. At about the 12k mark I made a wrong turn and began working down a steep, rough trail, when Marika yelled, "Greg, you are going the wrong way !" I had no idea she had been trailing me!. I thought that I was at least 4 minutes ahead of her!. At that point, it was "game on” and we fought back and forth for a move to the front, that lasted almost to the finish line.
(Thanks a lot Marika, I was enjoying my quiet little run, at my own pace, until you showed up, and made the last 8k a grueling death race).
She pulled 100meters ahead of me and held that space until she was struck by a sharp leg cramp. Seeing my chance to jump into the lead, I kicked it into high gear, tripped, and did a complete somersault, landing flat on my back. I barely managed to stay ahead of her for the last 1.5kms, I was so tired at that point, "high gear" meant that my arms were swinging faster than my legs! I must have looked like Mrs. Suwiggins on the Carol Burnett Show!
Meanwhile, Pauline had paced herself well, but was having trouble running in the heat. She did the sensible thing and pulled back a little, still able to make a first place finish in her age group.
It was a great day for a run , on a really nice trail.
Marika also offered up her take on the race. “The drive up was okay and traffic was light, it took 3 hours from Shirley with a stop in Duncan for coffee and snacks. I'm glad most races don't have that long of a drive!
The weather was nice, pretty hot up in Port Alberni but the race was mostly in the shade of the forest so that was great. Otherwise it would have been a lot more challenging. The few parts in the full sun weren't my favorite, especially at the end. I drank about 2L of water and that's a lot for me but it was good practice to try to drink more than usual because of the heat.
I tried to start off at a reasonable pace as I feel I have been pushing too hard to start and I was hoping that would help with my cramps. I felt pretty darn good the first half. There was some flat section in the second half so I tried to make up some time and up my pace in general there and that may have been a mistake... Shortly after that, I started to see the back of Greg B's head and started to use him as a rabbit. Good thing as he went off course at one point and I was able to yell him back.
I decided to try to stay ahead of Greg B. but shortly after I tripped on a root and fell (not too bad, could keep running but I jarred my left side) and shortly after that I started to get those darn thigh cramps again, so I had to slow down to try to control the cramps. Everyone was so nice when I was cramping, one lady offered to slow down and pace me (I urged her to go on) and Greg B. walked with me for a while to help me through the worst part and shared his experience and knowledge of the cramps that he has earned and overcome.
It was a nice course on fairly easy and pleasant trail for the most part except there was a section closer to the end that felt more challenging on tired legs, the part where I (and Greg B.) and probably others tripped and stumbled about. The course was well flagged.
Port Alberni did a great job of hosting the event especially considering the short notice and that stood out for me, they seemed to be very supportive of the race. Search and Rescue looked after the Aid Stations and did a great job, good clear communication! The Fire Department had a firehose out near the end of the race (far end of the rugby field from the Finish) so we got to run through a sprinkler just before the end of the race which really lifted my spirits and helped me shuffle my way across the Finish. There was a Council person present to welcome us and hand out snacks for the kids race.
Post race hot food was hot dogs with all the fixins' and the usual spread of fruit and snacks. I enjoyed my post race food more than usual as I wasn't feeling the slight nausea as in the last couple races. All in all it was a great race. I'd make the drive up again.”
Here are the results:
Greg Balchin (M60-69) 2:29:51, 2nd
Marika Nagasaka (F40-49) 2:31:32, 5th
Pauline Nielsen (F50-59) 2:45:45, 1st
Congratulations to all of our runners.