Phillips Road/River Road Runs

From Jackie

Length: 10-12K

Difficulty: 7.5 out of 10

Option 1: Head out on Phillips Rd, go to the end, then depending on the residents to the left, who if they are around will generally offer you to go down to the river via their stairs. If you go this way head up stream to a suitable spot to exit the river on the other side. Then run back to SEAPARC via River Rd.

Option 2: Head out same as option 1, but turn right at the bottom and scurry along about 200 feet? then head down the bank to the river and you can see a sort of a beach on the other side. Head there, then find your way up to the road, which should be right by the red gate just before the Potholes. Go right on River Rd. Back to SEAPARC.

Option 3: Same as 1 or 2 but turn onto the trail that heads up to the Goose - will be on the left - just before the white house with the fish pond in the front yard. There is also a big barn/shop in behind the house. The trail is easy to miss so watch carefully if you choose this route unless you are with me! haha. This trail is very nice and although it adds about half a k to total distance it might seem preferable to going up Elrose Hill (the hill just before the trailer park across from the Poleyard).

Option 4: The reverse of 1, 2 or 3. Meaning go down River Rd, perhaps a quick dip at Little Lady, then back to the gate and down the bank and across the river, up the bank and to the β€˜end’ of Phillips Rd. Then enjoy the hills on the way back to SEAPARC!!