January Blues - Final Week Recap

Everyone has had an incredible month of running, jogging and walking to hit their distance goals. Danny was the STARR of the event, clocking 506kms solo a couple of days before the cut off. FOMO (Fear of Missing Out) made it to the finish line with a few days to spare. The Hobblers still have a couple participants to report their final 5 days but I believe they are done with only a few clicks officially to go! We’ve reported 4,700km of cumulated distance. Rumours are that everyone had fun. We sure had favourable weather for this year’s challenge.

The Nile teams completed their challenge in the city of Aswan – a picturesque, slow paced tourist city but with lots of things to see and do. One of the most famous sites is the Philae Temple. Whether or not the teams took advantage of the archeological features or simply completed their journey sailing sown the Nile, they can rest assured it was a successful team effort.

The last teams to finish in England enjoyed the small community of Kirk Yetholm on the Scottish border. They were surprised to see only a small sign indicating the end of the famous route – no plaques nor monuments. The night at the Border Hotel was most welcome after 31 days en route.

The draw for entrances into the Run Saysutshun trail race and the Oak Bay Road race will take place on Tuesday, February 11 at the STARR meeting (7pm, Sooke library). I will bring prizes that have not yet been picked up.

Congratulations to everyone.